Coffee before and after hair transplant


Having coffee before and after hair transplant is a matter which should be discussed and thought upon by patients in order to discover if coffee induces any negative effects on hair or during the surgery. The procedure is a highly effective and popular solution to alopecia or extreme hair loss. It is the only hair restoration process which ensures zero shedding of hair after the surgery. Therefore, it is safe to say that it is permanent, durable and reliable due to which there has been an increased demand for hair restoration among the people. Now in order for the surgery to bear fruitful results, it is important to take all necessary precautions to achieve the best results. Generally speaking, most of the precautions advised by doctors for different surgeries are basic things which a person does in normal circumstances but during the sensitive time period of having surgery, these mundane and normal things can prove to be dangerous to the patients. So should a patient be allowed to have coffee before and after hair transplant?

Coffee before and after hair transplant


Caffeine adverse effects on hair transplant

Everyone knows that coffee contains caffeine and caffeine is also found in tea and energy drinks but in a much smaller percentage. A large amount of people drink coffee or tea to kick start their day in an energetic manner. Some even drink caffeine related beverages after they become lethargic by too much work. So the questions that should be asked on knowing these facts is: Does caffeine have any adverse effects on transplantation surgery? Is there a direct link between coffee and hair? The answer is a definite yes. This is because coffee is proven to increase blood pressure and heart rate which can be troublesome to the surgery. During the hair restoration surgery, the increased blood pressure can elevate the probability of bleeding. Bleeding during this procedure can cause a big hindrance because grafts placing to donor area becomes difficult and the surgery can take up a few more hours due to this difficulty which is highly inconvenient for both the doctor and the patient as well as grafts survival and successful results.. Moreover, the quality of the graft hair can decrease if bleeding occurs. Another potential consequence of drinking coffee prior to transplant surgery is that the patient becomes more sensitive to the medications which are induced during the surgery which can have negative effects on the health of the patient and the surgery as well. Therefore, drinking coffee before and after hair transplant should be strictly avoided in order to not let any of the dangerous above-mentioned consequences happen. It is advised by the doctors to not consume caffeine related beverages or coffee a day before the surgery and also on the day of the surgery. If a patient wants to be extra safe and careful, then caffeine in any form should be avoided 2 days prior to the surgery. Drinking coffee before and after hair transplant can hamper the results of the operation. Can a patient drink coffee after the transplant surgery? The answer isn’t definite but it is best to avoid it for a few days. If it is a must for a patient to have a cup of coffee or tea, then an alternate option would be to go for decaffeinated drinks which will eliminate the risks of all negative effects.

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