Scalp micro pigmentation- an alternative solution for alopecia


Scalp micro pigmentation is an innovative treatment for baldness. This procedure gives the illusion of richer and fuller density. It basically adds definition to the hairline, provides cosmetic correction and also thickens the look of head. Apart from this it can also hide burns and scars found on scalp. In common words, it is also known as hair tattooing. The four core benefits of this treatment are:

1- It is non-surgical

2- There is no need of maintenance after the procedure

3- No recovery time needed

4- It is extremely affordable

Scalp micro pigmentation, which is also abbreviated as (SMP), is beneficial for patients not only suffering from alopecia but cancer, natural thinning and pattern baldness in both genders as well. Anyone can get their hands on this treatment regardless of age, skin type, color or the category and stage of baldness. This method can restore even the most hopeless case of a complete bald person into a head of healthy hair.

scalp micro pigmentation in Pakistan

So how does Scalp micro pigmentation actually work?

A special array of uniquely designed micro-fine needles of different sizes are employed for pigment implementation into the mid dermal later of skin in order to replicate all follicles. This implementation creates a huge number of small impressions which camouflage all signs of alopecia by providing the illusion of hair. Moreover, the replication produced by this implementation induces definition and depth to the hairlines due to the small, layered dots which are made to look completely natural. These dots are made to look like natural follicles and they perfectly match with the complexion of the scalp. The specialized needles are categorized into various angles and penetration depths just like pigments are divided into different pigment colors and distribution rates. The decision to choose between these categories of pigments and needles is based on the skin color of the patient, the type of scalp area which is under treatment and the desired result which the patient is expecting. The steps of scalp micro pigmentation differ according to the degree of hair loss. However, there are usually over 3 sessions for all types of patients. Each session has a time span of 1-4 hours along with a break if 1 week between sessions. It is advised to use the lightest color and work on the highest hairline on the first session after which the practitioners can make adjustments to the color tone, shape, density of follicles and height of hairlines in the next sessions. The instructions for getting a successful scalp micro pigmentation are as follows:

1- Shower before each session and before starting your treatment. This is necessary because the patient isn’t allowed to wash the scalp or even sweat after each session as it causes issues with the quality of the procedure.

2- As the scalp micro pigmentation is a layering process, the number of sessions which might be required for each patient is highly particular as it depends on the amount of scalp which is under treatment.

Scalp micro pigmentation is perhaps the safest alternative treatment to restore hair. It should be noted that this revolutionary procedure can also enhance any hair restoration process which the patient might have done prior to SMP. 

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