why fue hair transplant is preferred over strip hair restoration


Why Fue hair transplant is preferred over strip hair restoration technique? There are number of reasons due to which patients and doctors prefer follicular unit extraction technique. With hair loss being an eminent problem in today’s day and age, quite a few treatment methods have been introduced which initiate the natural growth that was stopped. Among these methods, hair transplant is the most popular one which consists of two types namely ‘Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and ‘Follicular Unit Strip Surgery‘. There has been much rivalry between these two as to which is better. In the majority of the opinions by doctors and experts, FUE is considered to be the winner. Now let’s briefly go over the reasons why it is a favorite. Perhaps the top most reason for its preference is that FUE is quite less invasive and poses fewer complications and risks. Moreover, the time period required to carry out the FUE surgery is only 5 hours which is again, short and favorable. It is practical enough to be done in a single sitting and the patient heals in just a few days.

Why Fue Hair Transplant Is Preferred over FUT hair restoration


Why Fue hair transplant is preferred over strip hair restoration technique?

When we compare FUE and strip surgery, the main difference lies in the manner of extraction. The technique of the extraction of follicles is very different between the two. In FUE, follicles are extracted by employing a tiny hand-holding device whereas in strip surgery, a small portion of skin from the donor area of the scalp is removed instead of the follicles. From there, follicles will be gained from the strip of skin and will be implemented in the bald areas of the scalp. Now it is evident why many people are not in favor of this method. It is especially not favorable when a person is in need of extensive hair transplantation. This is because the strip surgery leaves behind an unpleasant looking linear scar after the operation which is susceptible to stretch and even grow over time. This brings to light the many advantages of the FUE procedure which are listed below.

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  1. Very less scarring

It is already mentioned that this method is not very invasive as it does not require any stitches, bandages or staples. So it is obvious that it doesn’t produce any scars which is a huge plus point. People who have had FUE can confidently style their hair any way they want to and can even cut it short. This is a benefit from which people who prefer the strip method are deprived of.

  • Plenty of donor area source

In this procedure, there is an unlimited source of donor grafts due to the fact that follicle from any part of the body can be utilized. It is not a compulsion to use only the grafts from the scalp which means that literally anyone can be an eligible candidate to get FUE.

  • No pain

Another perk of this method is that the patients do not feel any pain as there is no cutting (incision) and no stitches.

  • Natural results

Why Fue hair transplant is preferred over strip hair restoration technique? We can take graft from any part of the body so that we can cover maximum area of baldness. As there are enough grafts in the beard, chest, abdomen, back and legs so we can perform this procedure in those persons who have less or depleted scalp donor grafts. The surgeon can utilize these grafts and can easily form a stable and natural looking hairline. Considering all the above-mentioned benefits of the Follicular Unit Extraction, are you compelled to think it is a far better option?

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