Female hair thinning at crown

Female hair thinning at Crown

Hair fall and thinning is considered as a major problem for both men and women. But as far as females are concerned they are far more conscious about their physical appearance that may include hairs, good facial appearance etc. So, hair thinning can be one of the major issues that can arise and can be a reason for spreading stress and anxiety among ladies. It is a phenomenon that may untimely lead to hair loss. Mostly females do care about their hair growth from early stages of life and can literally do almost everything for their growth, appearance and to decrease the intensity of the problem. But mostly, hair thinning problems arise especially at the crown region of females due to many reasons some of them may include medication therapies, chemotherapies, radiographic therapies, by increasing the size of the hair line by the method of tying up their hairs so tight etc.

·         Why is my hair thinning at the crown female?

There are hundreds of reasons for thinning in the crown region of females. The major ones can include androgenic alopecia which is female pattern alopecia in which there is a widening of the hairline and the females with this problem can be identified by the broader hairline. This problem is common among the elderly women who are in her 40s and 50s or more. Androgenic alopecia is also considered as a genetic disorder. Hormonal shifts can also be a reason for androgenic alopecia.

The second reason is inflammation on the scalp, this may be due to eczema or other allergic reactions or some infections at the scalp area. Inflammation can also be caused due to a condition known as frontal fibrosing alopecia, which causes thinning, this condition can be permanent if not treated earlier. Other reasons may include the extensive use of damaging products, the use of devices like dryers, straighteners etc.

·         Can thinning hair be regrown?

The growth of hair is possible under certain conditions and limits. The thinning  can be regrown if there are no genetic issues and you have consulted a doctor or clinic at the right time. You must need professional advice if you are seeing that your hairs are thinning at a very fast rate or you have been exposed previously to any kind of medication or therapies or there may be some hormonal disturbance. This thinning problem can be resolved earlier by some medications and applications if consulted earlier. There are some other home remedies as well that will cause your hairs to grow and you can have your perfect hairline back. Hairs can also show re growth by changing your daily routines and by avoiding damaging products and devices.

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·         What helps female thinning hair?

There are many supplements, medications and remedies that can help women to stop hair thinning and to grow hair in the bald areas. But before adopting any of them, one must ask or consult a skilled doctor or clinic as these things only work by considering and monitoring your body physiology. The options may include:

1.      Scalp massage

2.      Essential oils

3.      Anti-thinning shampoo

4.      Multi vitamins

5.      Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids supplements

6.      Biotin

7.      Folic acid etc.

The medication remedy can include the use of minoxidil (Rogaine) which is an FDA approved topical medication which is used to treat female pattern baldness. The use of minoxidil daily has shown re-growth of thinning hair at the crown region up to 81%.

·         How do you hide thinning hair on a crown?

There are many ways by which you can hide your thinning. One of the most common is to cut or change your hairstyle. The most adopted style among ladies is that they cut their hair short or may in layers so that the volume of the hairs increase which is useful in hiding  thinning. Many women cut their hair short in the form of the bangs so they can hide their increased hairline or  thinning at the crown area. Another way is to blow dry your hairs so it will help to look like they have more or increased volume. You can use products like anti thinning shampoos and sprays that will help you to hide the thinning.

·         Why has my hair gone so thin?

The major reasons include hormonal imbalance, deficiencies, stress, disturb daily routine, not taking proper care or by certain genetic factors. By recovering these factors re growth can be seen.

·         Can stress make your hair thin?

Stress is considered as one of the most highlighted factors of thinning in females. There are three types of thinning or loss that is associated with stress and they are discussed as under:

1.      Telogen effluvium: in this condition a large number of follicles goes into the resting phase and thinning is observed.

2.      Trichotillomania: is a condition in which there is an irresistible urge of a person to pull hairs during stress, anxiety, or other mental sickness.

3.      Alopecia areata: is a condition on which there is hair loss or thinning due to autoimmune disorder on which the immune cells attacks follicles and destroys them.