

Hair transplant clinic in Pakistan is providing hair loss  and baldness treatments with latest technique.

Can I get information regarding hair transplant in Pakistan in Urdu or English?

Yes our clinic has professional staff who can speak in English as well as Urdu.

Where can I get the best hair transplant in Pakistan?

The best procedure of F.U.E. is being offered at Cosmoderma Clinic where surgeon is a skilled, competent, and foreign qualified as well as experienced.

How can I find the best hair transplant clinic in Pakistan?

Normally before and after photos, testimonials, reviews and previously operated patients can give you an idea of the best clinic in Pakistan. If you can check video testimonials of Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry, you will find people from all over the world came to his clinic for the procedure. 

Does hair restoration really work?

yes it really works very well and your lost hair can regrow through this procedure. 

How does hair restoration perform? 

The procedure is being performed by taking grafts from the back and sides of the head and transferring it to baldness. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and the whole treatment takes 4 to 5 hours. 

Can chest hair be used for baldness treatment?

 Surgeons prefer scalp donor area however if someone does not have enough donor area then beard followed by chest hair can be used for head.